
Transform Your B2B E-commerce with MerCloud: Tailored for Distributors

Explore the B2B universe with a platform sculpted for distributors. Rise above conventional challenges, from geographic restrictions to taxing complexities, armed with tools aligned to your prerequisites. Present an unparalleled shopping experience with a commanding digital catalog and negotiation versatility. Promptly adapt to market dynamics and bolster your sales.

MerCloud B2B E-commerce for distributor
MerCloud Logo with a Man and Laptop

Who Benefits from our Expertise?

MerCloud offers specialized resources to address all the intricate needs involved in the B2B sales process.

  • Food and Beverages
  • Auto Parts
  • Cosmetics
  • Electronics and Telecommunications
  • IT
  • Construction Materials
  • Fashion and Footwear
  • Furniture and Decor
  • Health and Pharma
  • Textiles

Key Features

Commercial Policies

Design policies that align seamlessly with your business's unique attributes, fine-tuning your strategy and maximizing transactional outcomes.

  • Personalized Price Lists
  • Product Exclusivity
  • Minimum Purchase Limits
  • Quantity Sale Directives

Tax Management System

Elevate your B2B operations with our streamlined tax management system. Dive into a user-friendly yet robust tax module, crafted to navigate every B2B tax intricacy, letting you prioritize your business growth.

  • Automated Tax Estimation
  • Specific Tax Bands for Products and Customers
  • Tax Waivers and Exemptions

Discount Strategies

Leverage MerCloud's capabilities to craft promotions tailored to specific customer profiles. Enhance customer retention, drive satisfaction, and outpace competitors in the B2B landscape.

  • Demographic-Focused Campaigns
  • Curated Catalog Promotions
  • Checkout Offers
  • Incremental Discount Rates
MerCloud Logo with a Woman and Laptop

Ready to Boost Your B2B Sales?

Engage with MerCloud and Redefine Your Business

Benefit from the expertise of our dedicated team, committed to accelerating your ascent in the B2B domain. We're the go-to for e-commerce solutions that yield real results.